
where site updates, personal updates, and miscellaneous thoughts go.
inquiries can be sent to backyardgrave@gmail.com. response not guaranteed


I have made the decision to no longer update this site, my itch.io, or any other other pages under the handle "backyardgrave". I will leave these pages up and untouched, but will not be maintaining them. You may access these works indefinitely from these pages. Please do not redistribute my work to other platforms.

I will still be posting new work to my pixiv, and the attached pixiv Sketch. This is where you can find and keep up with my current work and projects.

Things are changing, but I am also still mostly in hiatus for the time being. Thank you for your kind messages and support of my work, and I hope you will enjoy the work I will post in the future to my pixiv.


Nevermind, I have another update.

I am now posting snippets of current work to pixiv Sketch. This is accessible through the main page of my pixiv gallery as well. It will still be a long time before I can gather and post the collections of work I have done over the past year as I have little time to expend towards these efforts currently.

For now, please enjoy what I may have to offer on pixiv Sketch.


Long time no see. I've been away for about a year now. Don't worry about me, offline necessity has just taken me elsewhere for the time being.

Changed the layout of the site around a bit. Added something, if you can find it. Don't expect much more than that for now, I'll be gone for awhile longer yet. More to come when I get back, whenever that may be.


Updated my Game of Thrones/Newmann crossover AU's page with all of the drawings I've done for it so far. Still a work in progress; I'd like to get more words about the story up at some point. I also collected all my recent art into pixiv stacks for easy browsing.


Added a new assortment of dollmaker images to poor Karl's page. The wall grows.


I guess this is a proper blog now? Perhaps also a changelog. You can find all my various musing from my various fandoms directly on their respective hub pages. I suppose this will be more of a general space for now.

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